Pancreatinum: Homeopathic Medicine for Diabetes, Uses and Indications


Pancreatinum: Homeopathic Medicine for Diabetes, Uses and Indications

Pancreatinum is a homeopathic remedy primarily known for its application in managing diabetes, particularly in individuals exhibiting specific symptoms like lienteric diarrhea and pancreatic dysfunction.

Derived From

  • Source: Pancreatinum is derived from the pancreas of animals, predominantly bovine or porcine sources.
  • Kingdom: Animal

Main Indication

  • Diabetes Mellitus: Particularly effective in addressing symptoms related to pancreatic insufficiency.

Main Symptoms

  1. Diabetes with Lienteric Diarrhea:
    • Thin, underweight diabetics prone to frequent, watery stools that contain undigested food particles.
    • The condition is often associated with malabsorption due to insufficient pancreatic enzymes.
  2. Pancreatic Diabetes:
    • A form of secondary diabetes resulting from chronic pancreatitis or other pancreatic disorders.
    • Symptoms include fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and difficulty regulating blood sugar levels.
  3. Digestive Complaints:
    • Symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and irregular digestion may accompany diabetes.
    • Often used when digestive inefficiency exacerbates blood sugar imbalance.


Pancreatinum is indicated for conditions related to pancreatic dysfunction, particularly when:

  • Blood sugar levels are poorly regulated due to pancreatic insufficiency.
  • Lienteric diarrhea and digestive malabsorption are present alongside diabetes.
  • Suitable for chronic conditions like Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Most Suitable For

  • Type 1 Diabetes: Especially in cases of pancreatic insufficiency, aiding in enzyme regulation and blood sugar balance.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Useful when symptoms of indigestion, malabsorption, or secondary pancreatic issues are present.

Additional Insights

  • Acute vs. Chronic Conditions:
    Pancreatinum is most effective in chronic conditions rather than acute episodes. It helps manage long-term symptoms and complications associated with pancreatic diabetes.
  • Complementary Remedies:
    Often paired with other homeopathic remedies like Syzygium Jambolanum for blood sugar regulation or Nux Vomica for digestive distress.


1. Can Pancreatinum replace insulin therapy?
No. Pancreatinum is a complementary treatment and should not replace conventional medical treatments like insulin or oral hypoglycemics. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to diabetes management plans.

2. Is Pancreatinum suitable for all types of diabetes?
It is particularly beneficial for pancreatic diabetes and Type 1 diabetes with digestive insufficiency symptoms. It may also help in Type 2 diabetes with associated pancreatic dysfunction.

3. Are there side effects of using Pancreatinum?
Homeopathic medicines like Pancreatinum are generally safe when used under the guidance of a qualified homeopath. However, overuse or incorrect potency can lead to adverse effects.

4. How is Pancreatinum administered?
It is typically administered in low to medium potencies (e.g., 6X, 30C), depending on the individual’s symptoms and overall condition. Always follow the prescribed dosage.

Select Your Homeopathic Medicine Dose and Potency

Potency Selection Guide
Relationship of Remedies

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